aka: KRIS |NJS|Kris
Last equipment
General information
Server BS
Position #7310
Rating N/A (-1.99)
Total Epic points 0 points
Total score 1104 points
Rounds played 185 rounds
Time played 37h 39m 28s
First seen 3 months ago
Last seen 1 month ago
Owner None
59 wins
72 arrests
876 kills
37h 39m 28s
185 rounds
All time statistics
Rounds won 59 rounds
Rounds lost 104 rounds
Rounds tie 22 rounds
Kills 876 kills
Deaths 2558 deaths
Highest score 36 points
Suicides 0 suicides
Arrests 72 arrests
Arrested 328 arrested
Kill streak 281 kills
Arrest streak 48 arrests
Death streak 1086 deaths
Best kill streak 10 kills
Best arrest streak 4 arrests
Shots 24506 fired
Longest kill 24.31 m
Teamkills 44 kills
Team peppersprays 0 sprays
Team tases 13 tases
Team beanbags 0 beanbags
Team gasses 24 gasses
Team flashes 8 flashes
Arrest kills 3 kills
Started votes 0 votes
Violations spawn-nade rule 0 times
Violations spawn-kill rule 0 times
Weapons and equipments
Weapon Time used Kills Shots Hits Teamhits Teamkills Distance Accuracy
Flashbang 17m 38s 0 142 20 6 0 0.0 m 14.08%
Zip-cuffs 14m 23s 0 0 0 0 0 0.0 m 0.0%
Taser Stun Gun 40m 25s 0 56 17 2 0 0.0 m 30.36%
Stinger 3h 47m 5s 1 1891 375 116 0 7.54 m 19.83%
9mm SMG 7h 33m 19s 298 7482 527 52 10 429.91 m 7.04%
Shotgun 1m 45s 0 19 0 0 0 0.0 m 0.0%
Cobra Stun Gun 1h 35m 38s 0 202 61 5 0 0.0 m 30.2%
Colt M4A1 Carbine 8h 32m 15s 275 9655 465 82 19 388.97 m 4.82%
The Detonator 12s 0 0 0 0 0 0.0 m 0.0%
C2 (x3) 24s 0 0 0 0 0 0.0 m 0.0%
GB36s Assault Rifle 2h 36m 20s 158 2824 230 23 6 149.9 m 8.14%
CS Gas 23m 32s 0 0 0 0 0 0.0 m 0.0%
Toolkit 4s 0 0 0 0 0 0.0 m 0.0%
.45 SMG 1h 21m 20s 38 658 48 4 2 87.37 m 7.29%
M1911 Handgun 26s 0 0 0 0 0 0.0 m 0.0%
M4 Super90 34s 0 0 0 0 0 0.0 m 0.0%
Colt Accurized Rifle 30m 18s 16 110 20 0 0 35.05 m 18.18%
AK-47 Machinegun 1m 19s 0 90 0 0 0 0.0 m 0.0%
5.56mm Light Machine Gun 1m 37s 0 117 0 0 0 0.0 m 0.0%
Mark 19 Semi-Automatic Pistol 11m 1s 11 82 12 2 1 17.64 m 14.63%
9mm Machine Pistol 2m 23s 2 19 3 0 0 7.64 m 15.79%
Colt Python 21s 0 1 0 0 0 0.0 m 0.0%
9mm Handgun 6m 13s 6 63 14 2 1 13.17 m 22.22%
Suppressed 9mm SMG 1h 1m 47s 50 1014 81 20 4 89.13 m 7.99%
5.7x28mm Submachine Gun 5m 39s 5 81 6 1 0 5.39 m 7.41%
Kill streak rewards
Name Times deployed Kills
Heal Health points 3 0
Armor 3 0
Baby Size 2 0
Recon Camera 2 0
Respawn 2 0
Last rounds
Round Time Swat Suspects Map Date
2/3 19m 59s 177 128 Food Wall Restaurant 1 month ago
1/3 20m 8s 95 183 Food Wall Restaurant 1 month ago
2/3 19m 59s 99 109 Food Wall Restaurant 1 month ago
1/3 20m 8s 123 104 Food Wall Restaurant 1 month ago
2/3 20m 90 64 A-Bomb Nightclub 1 month ago
# Name Rating Epic Points Time played
7306 MrBeast N/A 0 8m 41s
7307 IM_LEARNING N/A 0 2h 38m 59s
7308 Fant N/A 0 17m 29s
7309 reforming N/A 0 3h 45m 42s
7310 Kris N/A 0 37h 39m 28s
7311 KVASS N/A 32 1h 44m 24s
7312 bobinator(SLOW) N/A 284 8h 5m 1s
7313 paTRiot N/A 0 1m 2s
7314 c0mrade}001 N/A 0 4m 6s
7315 Mrklop N/A 107 2h 39m 9s
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