Last equipment
General information
Server BS
Position #6526
Rating N/A (2.87)
Total Epic points 0 points
Total score 7284 points
Rounds played 365 rounds
Time played 79h 58m 31s
First seen 8 months, 2 weeks ago
Last seen 1 month, 2 weeks ago
Owner None
188 wins
565 arrests
4987 kills
79h 58m 31s
365 rounds
All time statistics
Rounds won 188 rounds
Rounds lost 166 rounds
Rounds tie 11 rounds
Kills 4987 kills
Deaths 4809 deaths
Highest score 76 points
Suicides 0 suicides
Arrests 565 arrests
Arrested 524 arrested
Kill streak 1575 kills
Arrest streak 225 arrests
Death streak 1493 deaths
Best kill streak 24 kills
Best arrest streak 4 arrests
Shots 92079 fired
Longest kill 26.37 m
Teamkills 158 kills
Team peppersprays 0 sprays
Team tases 44 tases
Team beanbags 9 beanbags
Team gasses 44 gasses
Team flashes 43 flashes
Arrest kills 4 kills
Started votes 53 votes
Violations spawn-nade rule 0 times
Violations spawn-kill rule 0 times
Weapons and equipments
Weapon Time used Kills Shots Hits Teamhits Teamkills Distance Accuracy
Zip-cuffs 2h 10m 49s 0 0 0 0 0 0.0 m 0.0%
Flashbang 1h 5m 44s 0 743 224 29 0 0.0 m 30.15%
CS Gas 1h 4m 48s 0 0 0 0 0 0.0 m 0.0%
Cobra Stun Gun 5h 22m 31s 0 970 556 27 0 0.0 m 57.32%
Stinger 10h 24m 55s 8 4917 2123 471 4 42.1 m 43.18%
9mm SMG 12h 12m 48s 1573 29880 2662 215 48 1571.01 m 8.91%
5.7x28mm Submachine Gun 9h 24m 12s 1221 24666 1826 158 47 975.98 m 7.4%
Shotgun 11m 55s 12 186 18 0 0 5.85 m 9.68%
Less Lethal Shotgun 51m 10s 0 325 112 11 0 0.0 m 34.46%
5.56mm Light Machine Gun 2h 30m 23s 193 8071 339 53 14 286.66 m 4.2%
Nova Pump 4h 2m 20s 409 1337 639 30 7 334.48 m 47.79%
Colt Python 1h 54m 47s 158 614 176 5 1 177.7 m 28.66%
M4 Super90 23s 0 2 0 0 0 0.0 m 0.0%
AK-47 Machinegun 2h 2m 55s 162 4123 258 46 12 240.63 m 6.26%
9mm Handgun 2h 44m 34s 315 3966 529 32 8 525.93 m 13.34%
M1911 Handgun 1m 32s 1 27 2 0 0 8.52 m 7.41%
GB36s Assault Rifle 15m 10s 33 579 64 0 0 37.33 m 11.05%
Colt M4A1 Carbine 4h 1m 42s 499 7849 777 63 18 435.3 m 9.9%
Toolkit 20s 0 0 0 0 0 0.0 m 0.0%
Colt Accurized Rifle 29m 15s 51 450 60 11 4 63.27 m 13.33%
.45 SMG 58m 20s 120 1567 173 18 7 112.28 m 11.04%
Suppressed 9mm SMG 36m 27s 62 1192 102 7 1 105.02 m 8.56%
Gal Sub-machinegun 7m 22s 8 184 11 0 0 29.46 m 5.98%
9mm Machine Pistol 5m 56s 8 300 17 2 0 13.46 m 5.67%
Mark 19 Semi-Automatic Pistol 6m 50s 5 130 6 2 1 8.32 m 4.62%
Taser Stun Gun 7s 0 1 1 0 0 0.0 m 100.0%
Kill streak rewards
Name Times deployed Kills
Heal Health points 73 0
Armor 59 0
Suicide 12 0
Baby Size 89 0
Recon Camera 9 0
Armored Shield 8 0
Respawn 16 0
Sentry Gun 38 0
Grenade Launcher 4 0
Stealth Suit 4 0
Stun Trap 4 0
Lethal Trap 10 0
UAV Helicopter 12 10
Last rounds
Round Time Swat Suspects Map Date
1/3 20m 8s 104 76 Food Wall Restaurant 1 month, 2 weeks ago
3/3 19m 59s 98 205 A-Bomb Nightclub 1 month, 2 weeks ago
2/3 19m 59s 84 97 A-Bomb Nightclub 1 month, 2 weeks ago
1/3 20m 8s 19 44 A-Bomb Nightclub 1 month, 2 weeks ago
3/3 9s 0 0 Food Wall Restaurant 1 month, 2 weeks ago
# Name Rating Epic Points Time played
6522 |||ALPHA|||NASTJA N/A 50 2h 38m 28s
6523 Yanchik N/A 0 1h 8m 34s
6524 |||ALPHA|||BOOM N/A 0 19m 54s
6525 Med N/A 0 42m 46s
6526 qr N/A 0 79h 58m 31s
6527 Adrian N/A 0 24m 1s
6528 Matador N/A 0 2h 27m 40s
6529 1ncr3d1bl3 N/A 4 5m 46s
6530 APIOR112024YGOOGL112 N/A 0 1h 17m 15s
6531 Serega N/A 0 16m 39s
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