Last equipment
General information
Server BS
Position #8
Rating 3.28
Total Epic points 387 points
Total score 3689 points
Rounds played 128 rounds
Time played 31h 51m 53s
First seen 2 years, 3 months ago
Last seen 2 days, 21 hours ago
Owner None
65 wins
226 arrests
2694 kills
31h 51m 53s
128 rounds
All time statistics
Rounds won 65 rounds
Rounds lost 59 rounds
Rounds tie 4 rounds
Kills 2694 kills
Deaths 1819 deaths
Highest score 72 points
Suicides 1 suicides
Arrests 226 arrests
Arrested 305 arrested
Kill streak 777 kills
Arrest streak 103 arrests
Death streak 426 deaths
Best kill streak 24 kills
Best arrest streak 3 arrests
Shots 27760 fired
Longest kill 29.64 m
Teamkills 31 kills
Team peppersprays 0 sprays
Team tases 5 tases
Team beanbags 4 beanbags
Team gasses 1 gasses
Team flashes 2 flashes
Arrest kills 2 kills
Started votes 0 votes
Violations spawn-nade rule 0 times
Violations spawn-kill rule 0 times
Weapons and equipments
Weapon Time used Kills Shots Hits Teamhits Teamkills Distance Accuracy
AK-47 Machinegun 2h 53m 56s 316 2978 410 30 10 308.78 m 13.77%
9mm Handgun 6h 33m 15s 752 5176 1183 59 9 629.44 m 22.86%
Stinger 2h 13m 6s 0 759 399 86 0 0.0 m 52.57%
Zip-cuffs 30m 54s 0 0 0 0 0 0.0 m 0.0%
CS Gas 1m 55s 0 0 0 0 0 0.0 m 0.0%
Cobra Stun Gun 21m 3s 0 89 52 2 0 0.0 m 58.43%
9mm SMG 3h 6m 58s 344 4635 622 44 8 335.56 m 13.42%
Shotgun 3m 33s 1 76 1 0 0 0.57 m 1.32%
Flashbang 3m 3s 0 34 12 1 0 0.0 m 35.29%
Colt M4A1 Carbine 7h 30m 13s 803 10299 1235 74 15 564.46 m 11.99%
Toolkit 33s 0 0 0 0 0 0.0 m 0.0%
5.7x28mm Submachine Gun 36m 48s 73 923 112 5 0 60.87 m 12.13%
Suppressed 9mm SMG 1h 12m 11s 139 1538 231 9 1 160.29 m 15.02%
Mark 19 Semi-Automatic Pistol 33m 10s 67 307 78 0 0 56.67 m 25.41%
Nova Pump 4m 4s 4 25 4 0 0 8.48 m 16.0%
GB36s Assault Rifle 4m 26s 3 39 5 0 0 3.43 m 12.82%
5.56mm Light Machine Gun 17m 1s 34 444 46 3 1 31.93 m 10.36%
Colt Accurized Rifle 2m 48s 2 3 2 0 0 6.9 m 66.67%
Less Lethal Shotgun 21m 3s 0 106 53 1 0 0.0 m 50.0%
M1911 Handgun 16m 5s 37 205 49 4 0 18.9 m 23.9%
Gal Sub-machinegun 4m 3s 12 124 19 0 0 9.12 m 15.32%
M4 Super90 4s 0 0 0 0 0 0.0 m 0.0%
Kill streak rewards
Name Times deployed Kills
Heal Health points 18 0
Armor 97 0
Baby Size 74 0
Recon Camera 14 0
Armored Shield 20 0
Respawn 13 0
Sentry Gun 29 45
Stealth Suit 16 0
Stun Trap 4 0
Lethal Trap 7 4
UAV Helicopter 10 29
Last rounds
Round Time Swat Suspects Map Date
1/3 20m 8s 67 97 Food Wall Restaurant 2 days, 21 hours ago
3/3 20m 2s 105 93 The Wolcott Projects 2 days, 22 hours ago
2/3 20m 2s 94 142 The Wolcott Projects 2 days, 22 hours ago
1/3 20m 8s 148 144 The Wolcott Projects 2 days, 22 hours ago
2/3 20m 2s 84 68 Riverside Training Facility 4 days, 20 hours ago
# Name Rating Epic Points Time played
4 Greeb 3.75 2364 115h 27m 3s
5 K45iM 3.66 2382 118h 41m 53s
6 |IF|GameSpy^ 3.54 202 14h 13m 9s
7 SageArt 3.45 828 36h 8m 56s
8 SpesOOPS 3.28 387 31h 51m 53s
9 gl1tch 3.25 2194 209h 3m 29s
10 Imppan 3.11 117 18h 34m 13s
11 Bootson 3.04 0 809h 47m 17s
12 MrLizard 2.91 0 240h 26m 3s
13 K 2.83 0 41h 56m 3s
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