aka: CrS_NV ChriS ChriS9 GrAy GrAyZ R()k
Last equipment
General information
Server BS
Position #2687
Rating N/A (3.1)
Total Epic points 64 points
Total score 5248 points
Rounds played 188 rounds
Time played 45h 50m 4s
First seen 1 year, 9 months ago
Last seen 10 months, 3 weeks ago
Owner None
97 wins
728 arrests
1835 kills
45h 50m 4s
188 rounds
All time statistics
Rounds won 97 rounds
Rounds lost 87 rounds
Rounds tie 4 rounds
Kills 1835 kills
Deaths 2702 deaths
Highest score 106 points
Suicides 1 suicides
Arrests 728 arrests
Arrested 498 arrested
Kill streak 595 kills
Arrest streak 259 arrests
Death streak 845 deaths
Best kill streak 16 kills
Best arrest streak 7 arrests
Shots 37353 fired
Longest kill 17.91 m
Teamkills 73 kills
Team peppersprays 0 sprays
Team tases 15 tases
Team beanbags 12 beanbags
Team gasses 16 gasses
Team flashes 29 flashes
Arrest kills 1 kills
Started votes 8 votes
Violations spawn-nade rule 0 times
Violations spawn-kill rule 0 times
Weapons and equipments
Weapon Time used Kills Shots Hits Teamhits Teamkills Distance Accuracy
Cobra Stun Gun 1h 56m 19s 0 408 242 7 0 0.0 m 59.31%
Flashbang 57m 45s 0 535 140 20 0 0.0 m 26.17%
Zip-cuffs 1h 35m 57s 0 0 0 0 0 0.0 m 0.0%
Stinger 11h 44m 18s 12 5824 2402 678 4 73.34 m 41.24%
AK-47 Machinegun 1h 18m 52s 124 2059 183 14 6 92.89 m 8.89%
GB36s Assault Rifle 1m 58s 3 94 5 0 0 5.13 m 5.32%
Colt M4A1 Carbine 1h 3m 40s 112 2041 174 15 4 95.28 m 8.53%
Suppressed 9mm SMG 4h 24m 35s 458 8228 817 100 23 440.12 m 9.93%
Toolkit 21s 0 0 0 0 0 0.0 m 0.0%
Shotgun 3m 23s 11 93 17 0 0 5.44 m 18.28%
5.7x28mm Submachine Gun 2m 42s 2 80 3 0 0 3.37 m 3.75%
Colt Accurized Rifle 53s 0 5 0 0 0 0.0 m 0.0%
9mm SMG 10h 11m 3s 1079 17408 1806 168 38 956.98 m 10.37%
Less Lethal Shotgun 1h 15m 25s 0 315 116 5 0 0.0 m 36.83%
Nova Pump 16s 0 5 0 0 0 0.0 m 0.0%
CS Gas 19m 37s 0 0 0 0 0 0.0 m 0.0%
Taser Stun Gun 1h 15m 16s 0 196 86 4 0 0.0 m 43.88%
.45 SMG 27s 0 0 0 0 0 0.0 m 0.0%
5.56mm Light Machine Gun 13s 1 2 1 0 0 11.08 m 50.0%
Colt Python 6m 30s 6 48 6 4 1 9.95 m 12.5%
9mm Handgun 24s 0 1 0 0 0 0.0 m 0.0%
Pepper Spray 27s 0 11 3 0 0 0.0 m 27.27%
Kill streak rewards
Name Times deployed Kills
Heal Health points 2 0
Armor 12 0
Suicide 6 0
Baby Size 6 0
Recon Camera 5 0
Sentry Gun 2 2
Stealth Suit 2 0
Lethal Trap 2 0
UAV Helicopter 2 6
Last rounds
Round Time Swat Suspects Map Date
2/3 20m 8s 143 113 The Wolcott Projects 10 months, 3 weeks ago
2/3 20m 8s 143 113 The Wolcott Projects 10 months, 3 weeks ago
1/3 20m 9s 78 130 The Wolcott Projects 10 months, 3 weeks ago
3/3 20m 8s 144 190 A-Bomb Nightclub 10 months, 3 weeks ago
2/3 20m 8s 132 174 A-Bomb Nightclub 10 months, 3 weeks ago
# Name Rating Epic Points Time played
2683 DEX N/A 0 9m 42s
2684 lukitas22 N/A 0 14m 52s
2685 Big_Soy N/A 70 1h 58m 5s
2686 UltraEgo N/A 913 19h 34m 59s
2687 CrS N/A 64 45h 50m 4s
2688 0 N/A 17 11h 53m 44s
2689 TIGER2 N/A 0 32m 50s
2690 Pecka N/A 0 1h 18m 48s
2691 LadyDi N/A 0 13m 27s
2692 Ladyy N/A 0 8m 49s
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